Hawg Halters Inc proudly introduces their 2013 and Earlier Wide Tire Builder’s Kit for Touring Bikes.
The HHI 2013 and older Wide Tire Kit allows you to install a 180 tire up front that compliments and creates a truly exciting Front Wide Tire Bike upgrade that integrates with your stock, 180 or 200 mm rear tire perfectly.
The HHI 2013 and Earlier Model Wide Tire Builder’s Kit is a bolt on conversion that is ideally suited for this 180-wide tire configuration and includes the HHI Custom Wide Tire Triple Tree as the foundation of the kit. Build it right, buy the proper Wide Tire Triple Tree to insure outstanding performance!
The Basic Early Model HHI Wide Tire Builders Kit includes the Custom HHI Wide Tire Triple Tree, Custom Tapered Axle Spacers, Custom HHI Hidden Axle Kit, Hardware, Fender Spacers and a Special 1 piece Steel Fender. These basic kits come in Chrome, Black or Raw finish for the builders who have a special color theme to match.